Browsing Archive: February, 2012
I’m probably starting to sound like a stuck record on this topic (it all started with this post - which led to this one and then, like a man with really appalling athlete's foot, I just couldn't stop myself scratching this particular itch and had to do another). But I keep hearing people attempting to defend the indefensible when it comes to the kind of remuneration practices which helped to cause the banking crisis.
Earlier this week, for example, we had John Cridland from the CBI on ... Continue reading ...
Sonny's Guerrillas by Matthew Asprey
Posted by Paul Samael on Friday, February 3, 2012,
In :
Book reviews
Scroll down for review of "Red Hills of Africa"
I've just started a new section of my website devoted to reviews of free fiction by self-published authors, my aim being to demonstrate that "free" and "self-published" do not always deserve the stigma that is sometimes attached to them. This first review is of "Sonny's Guerrillas" by Matthew Asprey. UPDATE 11.2013: Sadly, this book is no longer free - one of the perils of setting out to review free fiction is that authors who get a positive ... Continue reading ...