Showing Tag: ""free fiction"" (Show all posts)

Jon Evans and the techno-travelogue thriller

Posted by Paul Samael on Monday, December 4, 2017, In : Book reviews 

UPDATE 5.2019 - irritatingly, all the links to Jon Evans' novels below were to copies available free of charge on Feedbooks, which has now shut down its self-publishing platform - so the links no longer work.  Happily though (as at the time of updating), you could still find all the novels listed below on Wattpad free of charge - the main disadvantage is that you can only read them through Wattpad's interface on a web-enabled device (unlike Feedbooks, there's no option to dow...

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Posted by Paul Samael on Wednesday, March 13, 2013, In : Book reviews 

“Unpredictable” is a collection of 3 short stories by Bryan R Dennis available as an ebook free of charge on feedbooks.comUPDATE 5.2019 - well, not any more, as Feedbooks has closed down its self-publishing platform - but happily, as at the time of updating, you could still get your hands on a copy from the good folks at getfreeebooks.

Oh no, I hear you sigh, not another collection of short stories (e.g. see here and here for previous reviews of short story collections).  But let me ...

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The Ant Farm

Posted by Paul Samael on Saturday, February 2, 2013, In : Book reviews 

If someone had told me that I would enjoy a novel about statistics in the poultry industry and knitting (yes, knitting), I would probably have responded that I was more likely to develop a keen interest in the drying times of different brands of matt emulsion.  But one of the things I have come to enjoy about reviewing free fiction by self-published authors is the potential to be surprised – both by the quality of some of the writing and by my own enjoyment of books about subjects which, ...

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Free Book Beast

Posted by Paul Samael on Monday, January 28, 2013, In : Self-publishing 

Although there are quite a few sites devoted to indie authors, I haven't come across that many which focus on free fiction.  Free Book Beast aims to do just that - and whereas some sites seem to feature free (or low priced) books purely as a way of generating ad revenue, this one appears to be trying to provide some useful content alongside them, so I hope it succeeds.
I've just contributed a guest post on where to find free fiction (other than on Amazon) and where to find recommendations/rev...

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Taking stock

Posted by Paul Samael on Sunday, January 6, 2013, In : Self-publishing 
It’s now more than 18 months since I set up this website and over a year since my first attempt at self-publishing.  So I thought now might be a good point to consider whether it’s been a worthwhile exercise so far.

Downloads are a fairly crude measure of success/failure – but for what it’s worth, here are my numbers as at 6 January 2013:

UPDATE 8.2014:  I have now discovered that the stats from Scribd are pretty unreliable, so in the interests of accuracy, you should ignore the totals...
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Sonny's Guerrillas by Matthew Asprey

Posted by Paul Samael on Friday, February 3, 2012, In : Book reviews 


Scroll down for review of "Red Hills of Africa"

I've just started a new section of my website devoted to reviews of free fiction by self-published authors, my aim being to demonstrate that "free" and "self-published" do not always deserve the stigma that is sometimes attached to them.  This first review is of "Sonny's Guerrillas" by Matthew Asprey.  

UPDATE 11.2013:  Sadly, this book is no longer free - one of the perils of setting out to review free fiction is that authors who get a positive ...
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About Me

Paul Samael Welcome to my blog, "Publishing Waste" which will either (a) chronicle my heroic efforts to self-publish my own fiction; or (b) demonstrate beyond a scintilla of doubt the utter futility of (a). And along the way, I will also be doing some reviews of other people's books and occasionally blogging about other stuff.
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